Guidance of Reform Projects Public administration is confronted with a growing number of duties while budgets are being restricted, expectations with regard to a new service-based administration image are on the rise, and influences are becoming dynamic at the same time. This tension cannot be overcome with isolated change approaches. Comprehensive administrative reforms and long-term development programs are needed. Interventions that Work In most cases, administrative reforms include a whole host of simultaneous changes, such as budget consolidation, modernization of organizational structures, the introduction of impact-based management systems, and leader development. Almost always, the entire organization, not just sub-areas, is affected. To be able to consciously shape such changes, professional process support / project management, and work, communication and qualification programs featuring conceptual content, are required. And for this, tools that have been tested in practice, extensive experience from similar projects, industry knowledge and an in-depth understanding of work in political and administrative systems are needed. Particularly administrative organizations – with their complex target systems, restrictive framework conditions and the duality of political and administrative management – need to be very mindful during change projects. The Implementation Process is the Deciding Factor Only when professional change management is combined with convincing concepts and relevant communicative measures can administrative reforms be implemented successfully. So, ideally, this creates administrative organizations which act more efficiently and more effectively and, in spite of that, still meet the process and result quality requirements – with higher employee satisfaction and better service quality than before. POSITIONING We assist with planning methodology and provide extensive practical experience. KNOW-HOW Due to our long-standing industry expertise and a network of experts, we overcome almost all challenges. SUPPORT We create the conditions and take on (joint) responsibility for implementation in long-term projects. Contact Persons Günter Kradischnig Partner Contact Günter Andreas Pölzl Partner Contact Andreas Bruno Burkart Partner Contact Bruno More Insights about this Topic Service Leadership Lab Be the best leader you can be. Service Agile Projectmanagement Rapid successes in iterative loops. Service Become a More Agile Organization Interventions which challenge but do not overload. Would you like to know more? Contact us