Employees – Team – Organization

To make an organization innovative and sustainable, there must first be clarity with regard to a few key parameters: How digitally savvy, engaged and committed are your employees? What digital aspects are lived and breathed in the areas of leadership, communication and cooperation? How is participation and transparency enabled, and what tools and infrastructure are used?

During the first step, the current digitalization status within your organization must be determined on three levels. At employee level, this involves a survey to determine existing knowledge of digitalization, experience with the digital world in a professional and a private context, and the tools that are already in use. At team level, the focus is on the application of agile methods in leadership, the use of digital tools, the development of participation, cooperation and transparency in collaborative relationships, and the relevance of innovation. With regard to the organization, we analyze the equipment (mobile devices, software), agreements (workplace / home office, BYOD, use of WhatsApp / Facebook) and the offers and skills of IT and digital divisions (CDO) themselves.

Fitness Map

In a digital fitness map, to name but a few examples we show you which group of employees has the relevant digital know-how, which hardware or software is used in the relevant divisions, and who is interested in digital applications (e.g. 3D printing, image processing, coding) beyond their professional activity. The existing best practices with respect to agile leadership, communication or cooperation are also recorded, as are the IT rules standing in the way of current developments. This clear outline of the status quo is broken down into divisions, employee groups, customer segments, technologies and other dimensions. Needs for development and training can be derived from this, as well as the need to acquire skills in your own organization.